The EU plans to
regulate nicotine
Across the EU, there are millions of people like you using nicotine pouches. Let’s make it clear to the EU what we want: we chose pouches as part of our lifestyle
We can influence the European legislative process and make our voices heard #voicesforpouches
Have your say
Whenever Brussels contemplates making new EU laws, people have the right to share
their views during a “Call for Evidence” process.
A “Call for Evidence” is now open on nicotine pouches.

Can you spare just 5
minutes to tell
Brussels why nicotine
pouches are
important to you?
How do I make my
voice heard?
Click on the EU website
Create a profile
(don’t worry, it doesn’t take long, but you can’t
have your say without doing so)
Log in
Have your say
(tell Brussels why you chose pouches and that you
want to be free to make your choice)